Based in Victoria, BC, Canada, our technical qualifications represent the best in the industy for road bulding tunnel drilling, underwater blasting, earthquake anchor holes, subdivsions and quarries.
We have a team of over 25 qualified drilling and blasting professionals.
With safety our main priority we are all certified with WCB and Mines Branch Blasting Tickets, Transportation of Dangerous Goods and Level One First-Aid. We have regular safety meets and hearing checks.
Reliability, high safety standards, quality work, and competitive pricing have established our reputation.
BLASTING - Our technical qualifications represent the best in the industry for road building, subdivisions, underwater blasting, earthquake anchor holes, pole holes and quarries.
Our team operation has developed a reputation to be the leaders in precision blasting in residential areas as well as controlled blasting on the logging grade. We can blast 30,000 cubic metres of rock in one large shot.
We can drill as small as 1 1/4" diameter holes for small jobs where vibration is a concern, and up to 5" diametre holes for large open blasts in quarries.
Other services include:
- anchors, grouting
- pre-shear blasting
- controlled wall blasting
- directional drilling
- shote crete
- pre-blast surveys of neighbouring structures
- seismic monitoring of blasts
- safely scaling of rock faces
V9Z 0X6