CHAMBER seeks feedback from business community

NOTE: We erred!! The District intended us to respond directly, and never meant for this to go public! Ooops! However, we as a Chamber are still interested in your feedback. Please send your feedback to

  1. How are things going for you? 
  2. How are your staff doing? Are there any issues with keeping your business/organization staffed?
  3. How are your supplies/inventory? Any issues with any of your suppliers, or foreseen issues that you are worrying about?
  4. Are you foreseeing changing your business/delivery model in any way to accommodate meeting your customer’s needs?
  5. Do you have other concerns, in particular that you are worried about?
  6. Do you have any questions, or specific needs from the CHAMBER – now, or in the foreseeable future?

We are also running an online survey here which goes into more detail.

Thank you!

Britt Santowski
Executive Director
Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce

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