2024 MIXERS – Let us know your interests! Morning, Afternoon or Evening!
WHAT: Mixers provide an excellent opportunity to meet and greet other local business owners, to celebrate and appreciate your current customers, and to showcase your business to new customers. Mixers are hosted by local organizations, and have an opportunity to showcase their services to the community.
COST: Unless otherwise noted, there is no cost to attend.
WHEN: Mixers are held on the 2nd Thursday of every month or let us know what works for you! They usually run from 5pm to 6:30pm (longer if the host is willing).
WHERE: Just let us know, we are eager to get started again!
- Whose going to be 1st?
Please Contact us to reserve an available date and to get more information.
Community Events
- Want to know what’s happening in Sooke? Visit the Sooke Lion’s Community Events page!