These posters feature the artwork of Jeannine Saylor of SaylorMade, reachable at, on Instagram: @ahoysaylormade and on Facebook: SaylorMade

Sooke, BC: The Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce is working in collaboration with the Sooke Art Bombers to promote wearing masks while visiting Sooke businesses during the pandemic. The Sooke Art Bombers believe that shared creativity builds community and they are known for their spontaneous installations around our town. Their initiative turned into a “Help Wanted” awareness poster campaign, that will soon appear in the windows of many businesses in Sooke.

Public health officials recommend wearing a mask in locations where physical distancing is difficult. That includes many independent businesses, which often have smaller store space. By wearing a mask, you can stay safe and protect others while supporting businesses in your community. That’s why the Sooke Art Bombers are collaborating with the Chamber to distribute posters to local businesses encouraging customers to wear masks.

“We can’t control how and when COVID-19 comes to Sooke but we can control what happens when it gets here,” reads a statement from the Sooke Art Bombers, send to the Sooke Chamber. “Wearing a mask when going into shops and businesses, or in outdoor situations where physical distancing isn’t guaranteed, is the best way that each person can help stop community spread. Stopping community spread will make the difference between having a functioning economy or ending up in lockdown. We are fortunate to have this choice in front of us and to be able to determine the direction that COVID-19 will take in our community. Let’s not regret that we didn’t encourage mask wearing early enough.”

After businesses received a check-in call from the Chamber asking what the Chamber can do to help, members of the Sooke Art Bombers started brainstorming. It was suggested that the Chamber use its position in the community to encourage the wearing of masks where possible, and do our part to avoid further surges in COVID-19 cases and a possible second lockdown. By wearing a mask and using the posters to encourage others in our community to do the same, we can win the fight against this pandemic.

These wonderful posters were designed by the Sooke Art Bombers together with local artist Jeannine Saylor of SaylorMade who generously contributed her captivating artwork. These images of local animals are the striking feature of this campaign.  Check out Jeannine Saylor’s website and social media at , on Instagram: @ahoysaylormade and on Facebook: SaylorMade.

The Chamber would like to remind people to refrain from casting judgement on those who are not wearing masks, as they may have medical or other reasons for making their choices. As always, be kind and compassionate to each other.

For the last information and recommendations to prevent the spread of COVID-19, please visit the BC Centre for Disease Control website:

For information on BC’s response to COVID-19, visit:


About the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce

The Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce has provided support to Sooke businesses since 1948. It is served by an eight-person volunteer board of directors. Its anchor event, the Business Excellence Awards Gala, is typically held in November. It is also host to an online shopping mall located at, a site that features over 60 local businesses. The Sooke Chamber promotes business success and community connection. Like all Chambers through British Columbia, Canada and the world, this chamber is committed to seeing as many businesses survive the COVID-19 crisis and thrive once we re-start our economic engines. The Chamber is funded almost entirely through membership and serves all businesses throughout the greater Sooke region.

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