Student Employment opportunity with the Sooke Chamber: PT Writer/Editor, Sept – Dec

Writer – editor
Positions: one (1)
Employment start dates: September 8, 2021
Employment duration: September to December
Pay: Salary $15.20/hour, 17.5 hours per week, for a total of 280 hours (8 weeks)


  • You must be aged between 15 and 30 and be legally entitled to work in Canada. International students are not eligible.
  • Must be self motivated, capable of taking initiative and being self-directed
  • Good communication skills, social media savvy, learns quickly and follows direction well
  • Skilled or interested in learning graphic design using Canva

Job Description: We are looking for someone to research, write, update, and retarget marketing documents on economic development for the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce.

  • Review existing documentation and identify information gaps and opportunities
  • Write, edit, and prepare information flyers, web content, and bi-weekly newsletter
  • Research and update economic development materials
  • Distribute promotional content to local shops and vendors
  • Perform work on office computer and on the Internet
  • Take photographs, film short videos for social media
  • Oversee day-to-day office operations (maintaining regular office hours, answering phones, emails, as required)
  • Partially working remotely from home is an option. Some office hours are required.

Work Environment: There is an opportunity to work part time at the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce office. You will be expected to work 17.5 hours a week. There will be some regular office hours, and some hours you can work remotely. The Chamber will provide an orientation which will include a copy of bylaws and operations manual, safety procedures, information about the Canada Youth Employment program.

To apply, email a letter of application and your resume to by Wednesday, August 25 at 2pm. Late applications will not be considered.

Hiring Statement from the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce. To mitigate any unconscious biases, names and gender identifiers are redacted (blacked out) before the hiring committee reviews applications. Because your time is valuable and because time availability is often gender-weighted, there are no pre-interview tests or questionnaires. If you are selected for an interview, you will be asked to submit one piece of work you have created that you are proud of. You will be asked to provide references if you are a potential final candidate.

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