Sooke launches women’s entrepreneur resource to facilitate success

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The Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce (“Sooke Chamber”) in collaboration with the Sooke Women in Business (SWIB) group is launching a bi-weekly women’s mastermind group (WMMG), beginning in April and meeting for three months. The seven sessions will be facilitated by Kate Langridge of Wild Hawthorn Coaching and are in part modeled after mastermind sessions previously hosted by Britt Santowski.

This mastermind focuses on giving participants the tools and resources needed to move their projects or business ideas forward. Participants are invited to set a goal for the three-month period, and then monitor progress throughout the seven facilitated sessions.

“This group is designed to support women in business,” says Langridge. “I invite women entrepreneurs in Sooke to join us for this mastermind, and together we’ll move you forward in your goals and support you in leveling up your business!”

Langridge is a professionally trained Sooke-based Life and Empowerment Coach and works with heart-led entrepreneurs and women ready to take up space in their own lives.

This first WMMG will accept applications from six to eight women. There is a registration fee of $50 for Chamber/SWIB members, and $75 for non-members (retail value: $315 per participant). Scholarships are available. The group will meet biweekly on Tuesdays from 10 am to 11:30 am, April 4, 18, May 2, 16, 30, and June 13 and 27. Interested women can register online at

The structure is a modified version of the mastermind framework outlined in Santowski’s 2010 book, The Three Strategies of the Unstoppable Women (no book purchase necessary!). Prior to serving the Sooke Chamber as its executive director, Britt Santowski held women’s mastermind groups in Sooke for close to a decade. Those meetings launched and supported several business ventures in Sooke.

“The mastermind serves as an executive team available for brainstorming, problem-solving, and maintaining momentum,” observes Santowski. “Women’s businesses are often conceived and developed in a vacuum, and the mastermind expands their executive team with like-minded entrepreneurs facing similar challenges.”

Other groups interested in establishing entrepreneur mastermind groups or other entrepreneur-supporting resources are invited to contact the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce.

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Kate Langridge. Click to open full-sized image

About Kate Langridge

Kate Langridge is a Sooke-based, professionally trained Life and Empowerment Coach, and she works with heart-led entrepreneurs and women ready to take up space in their own lives. Information on Wild Hawthorn Coaching is available online, Photo Credit: Adam Ziorio Photography.

About Britt Santowski

Britt Santowski. Click to open full-sized image

Britt Santowski is the executive director of the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce. Santowski published The Three Strategies of the Unstoppable Woman in 2010, and hosted women’s mastermind groups between 2007 and 2016 in Langford and Sooke. A free workbook is available online at

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