The Benefits of Joining the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce
Why Join
There are many reasons to join the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce. Our organization is dedicated to the health and vibrancy of our region, when you join, your business will benefit from our commitment to this region.
Tangible Benefits
We offer tangible benefits, like discounts on a number of business services.
The Sooke region is an amazing place, we have the ocean with all its beauty and we are close to nature with forests nearby. Our location is well suited for the adventure type person and very family friendly place to raise your children.
We could use a few more volunteers
We sponsor a series of events throughout the year. Our Business Excellence awards dinner, for one. We could always use a few more volunteers to help us with these get togethers.
Why Membership Matters
The Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce continues to evolve and strengthen in order to provide necessary leadership, education and advocacy for our business community.
Led by an executive and board of directors, we are diligent in representing the voice of all businesses, large or small, with the intention of strategically creating a vibrant and sustainable economic climate for our community.
Since 1948 our Chamber has grown to have the largest membership per capita of any municipality in British Columbia. The reason for this is clear….we provide tremendous value-added-benefits and return-on-investment for your membership dollar.
Operated as a not-for-profit association, the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce encourages you to consider the many benefits available to our members:
- Substantial health, dental, medical & insurance coverage at affordable rates
- Valuable marketing exposure through our website, social media, and e-newsletter
- Incredible merchant services discounts for fuel, utility, banking & others
- Accessibility to important business coaching, information & counseling services
- Participation in business education sessions, networking & social events
- Opportunity to join Chamber Board of Directors to help provide leadership
- Having a unified voice to advocate local business issues to government
We look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your participation.
Please contact the Chamber office at (250)642-6112 or with any questions.
Apply Now
Sole proprietor (1 member)
- Insurance Benefit
- Management Benefit
- Marketing Benefit
- Technology Benefit
2-4 employees
- Insurance Benefit
- Management Benefit
- Marketing Benefit
- Technology Benefit
5-9 employees
- Insurance Benefit
- Management Benefit
- Marketing Benefit
- Technology Benefit
10+ Employees
- Insurance Benefit
- Management Benefit
- Marketing Benefit
- Technology Benefit
Youth Entrepreneur
- Insurance Benefit
- Management Benefit
- Marketing Benefit
- Technology Benefit
Registered Non-Profit Organization
- Insurance Benefit
- Management Benefit
- Marketing Benefit
- Technology Benefit